Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement

The Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement: An Overview

The Seven Oaks School Division in Manitoba, Canada, is committed to providing high-quality education to its students. One key aspect of achieving this goal is ensuring that its teachers and support staff are well-supported and motivated to do their best work. This is where the collective agreement comes in.

A collective agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for a group of workers who are represented by a union. In the case of Seven Oaks School Division, there are several unions representing different categories of employees, including the Seven Oaks Teachers` Association, the Manitoba Government and General Employees` Union, and the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

The current collective agreement between the Seven Oaks School Division and these unions covers the period from September 1, 2018, to August 31, 2022. The agreement is the result of negotiations between the division and the unions, and it reflects the priorities and concerns of both parties.

Some of the key provisions of the collective agreement include:

Wages and benefits: The agreement specifies the salaries, allowances, and benefits that employees will receive, including provisions for incremental increases based on years of service and cost-of-living adjustments.

Working conditions: The agreement sets out the hours of work, workloads, and other conditions of employment that employees can expect. It also includes provisions for job security, seniority, and career development.

Leave provisions: The agreement outlines the types of leave available to employees, including sick leave, bereavement leave, and parental leave. It also includes provisions for special leave, such as compassionate care leave.

Pension and retirement: The agreement sets out the pension plan for employees, including the contributions made by both the division and the employees. It also includes provisions for retirement benefits, including a retiree benefits plan.

Health and safety: The agreement includes provisions for workplace health and safety, including provisions for workplace harassment and violence prevention.

By providing clear and comprehensive guidelines for employment, the collective agreement helps to ensure that employees are treated fairly and equitably, and that they are able to focus on providing the best possible education for their students. It also helps to foster a positive and collaborative relationship between the division and its employees, which is essential for a thriving and successful school system.

In summary, the Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement is an important document that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for the division`s teachers and support staff. By providing a framework for fair and equitable employment, the agreement helps to ensure that the division is able to attract and retain talented and motivated employees, who are essential to the success of the school system.